rheology = flow of matter
luxate = dislocate
flyte = scold
boeotian = ignorant
anaphylactic = hypersensitive
rheology flow of matter
nodus = complication
luxate = dislocate
flyte= scold
stentor = loud-voiced person
stentor = loud-voiced person
polony = mixed meat susage
pretermit= disregard
frenulum = fold of tissue
acciaccatura = discordant note
boeotian = ignorant
fulgurant = = dazzling
fuscous = brown
calumet = peace pipe
buckboard= open buggy
peremptory = dictatorial
nodus = complication
kalimba = African music instrument
cancrine = crab-like
ludo = chacma
chacma = baboon
occlusion = closure
heterodox = unconventional
rathskeller = tavern
luxate = dislocate
polony = mixed meat sausage
acciaccatura = discordant note
providential = fortunate
fulgurant = dazzling
madrigal = polyphonic song
ca;i,et = peace pipe
buckboard = open buggy
nodus = complication
carabao = water buffalo
etymon = word root
cancrine = crab-like
chacma = baboon
consummation = fruition
privy = outhouse
disinterment = digging up
occlusion = closure
hireling = mercenary
heterodox = unconventional
duffer = bungler
tryst = rendezvous
rathskeller = tavern
venule = tiny vein
acciaccatura = discordant note
octant = navigational instrument
providential = fortunate
fulgurant = dazzling
whelp = pup
quag = bog
dryad = wood nymph
expediency = suitableness
intemperate = unrestrained
rancor = bitterness
fuscous = brown
nodus = complication
etymon = word root
legion = multitue
dissertation = thesis
equine = horse-like
= African music instrument
privy = outhouse
brood = sulk
palpability = tangibleness
myopic = nearsighted
launder = wash
whelp =pup
dryad= wood nymph
ovum = egg cell
defoliate = take leaves off
expediency = suitableness
prudence = discretion
cessation = stop
intemperate = unrestrained
feral = wild
etymon = word root
somnambulate = sleepwalk
racy= indecently suggestive
voluptuous = sensual
jell = congeal
rectify = correct
shirk = avoid
ordnance = artillery
mojo = charm
finish = end
bunny = rabbit
heat = warmth
mojo= charm
sweep = brush
proper = appropriate
chilly = cool
choke = strange
doubt = uncertainty
ordinarily = normally
dishonor = shame
convert = transform
astonishing = extraordinary
baggy = loose-fitting
beloved = dear
supply = furnish
incident = event
narrate = tell
belly = abdomen
ban = forbid
supply = furnish
swad = bunch
pratincole = shore bird
ligule = strap-shaped object
hebetude = stupidity
lansquenet = card game
pratincole = shore bird
causerie = chat
hebetude = stupidity
lansquenet = card game
pituita = mucus
siphuncle = mollusk's air tube
spiegeleisen = pig iron
lapsus = slipup
sith = since
spiegeleisen = pig iron
graal = a dish, bowl
brickle = brittle
carminative = reducing flatulence
sika = small Japansese deer
sith = since
kestrel =small falcon
brickle = brittle
sika = small Japanese deer
stroud = coarse woolen cloth
kestrel = small falcon
moider = work hard
lagan = sea wreckage
stroud = coarse woolen cloth
moider = work hard
cuddy = galley
ora = edge , margin
kitenge = African sarong
cuddy =galley
ora = edge, margin
pian = tropical infection
hamartia = tragic flaw
kibe = heel ulcer
pian = tropical infection
chatoyant = iridescent
allargando = decreasing tempo
harmartia = tragic flaw
saccadic = twitchy
katabatic = downward moving
saccadic =twitchy
longspur= brown bird
kaabatic =downward moving
costrel = flask
lobola = bride price
nard = aromatic ointment
longspur = brown bird
foofaraw = big to-do
costrel = flask
splanchnic = visceral
nard = aromatic ointment
amylum = starch
longspur= brown bird
foofaraw = big to-do
exegetical = explanatory
exoteric =suitable for the public
foofaraw = big to-do
peplos = Greek female garment
exgetical = explanatory
recusant = noncomformist
peplos = Greek female garment
prehension = seizing
exegetical = explanatory
recusant =nonconformist
davit = crane
stentor = loud-voiced person
voluble = talkative
peplos = Greek female garment
bucolic = pastoral
cincture = girdle
prehension = seizing
extemporize = improvise
antipodal = opposite
maladroit =clumsy
exegetical = explanatory
davit =crane
voluble = talkative
reposeful = relaxing
bucolic =pastoral
discernment = insight
spectral = ghostly
albeit = even though
concisely = briefly
abscission = cutting off
effrontery = impudence
arduous = difficult
abridge= condense
cincture = girdle
rapt = engrossed
ligature =binding
prehension = seizing
davit = crane
stentor= loud-voiced person
voluble = talkative
minstrel = medieval singer
indelicacy =rudeness
albeit = even though
concisely = briefly
abscission = cutting off
ploy = stratagem
effrontery = impudence
shanty = hut
mutton = sheep meat
optimum = best
cincture = girdle
imperial = royal
dupe = fool
brisk = lively
swelter = broil
rapt = engrossed
ligature = binding
prehension = seizing
ragtag = scruffy
replica = copy
elongate = lengthen
defiant = rebellious
extemporize = improvise
bunker = dugout
obstacle = impediment
endorse = support
byway = side road
exegetical =explanatory
relevant = pertinent
inanimate = lifeless
stentor = loud-voiced person
minstrel = medieval singer
indelicary = rudeness
albeit = even though
scrub = scour
theorem = proposition
haggle = bargain
numb= insensible
concisely = briefly
minuscule = tiny
effrontery = impudence
optimum = best
cincture = girdle
rapt = engrossed
somber = gloomy
credible = believable
thunderous = deafening
ligature = binding
elongate = lengthen
negation = denial
aviary = bird sanctuary
exegetical = explanatory
inanimate = lifeless
abrupt = sudden
itinerary = travel route
flay = strip the skin off
granger = farmer
monocle = eyeglass
lackey = servant
redundant = superfluous
ensnare= trap
collier = goal miner
gaff = hooked fishing spear
exalt = glorify
ambiance = atmosphere
hindmost = rear
lame =criped
paddy = rice field
absolution =forgiveness
granger =farmer
monocle = eyeglass
disposition =temperament
complimentary = free
ambiance = atmosphere
information = knowledge
result = outcome
quick = fast
mash = crush
rhythm = musical beat
division = separation
jewel = gem
mazimum = greatest
seem = appear
lively = active
halt = stop
horror = dread
sorrowful = sad
pupil= student
cluster = bunch
hazy = misty
residence = home
generate = produce
swap = exchange
encounter = meet
precise = exact
rivalry = competition
swap = exchange
blossom = flower
charitable = benevolent
wacky =zany
basis = foundation
trendy = fashionable
abdomen= belly
wretch = miserable person
twine = string
worsen= deteriorate
mystical = mysterious
frenzied = frantic
resentment = bitterness
variable = changeable
priority = precedence
undergo = experience
despise =scorn
sarcastic = derisive
tattered = ragged
silt =sediment
hygienic =sanitary
adorable = endearing
excavation = digging
sarcastic= derisive
hygienic = sanitary
utmost = greatest
detain = hold in custody
ingenuity = cleverness
cling = adhere
glum = sullen
enable = empower
vengeance = retribution
beckon = summon
fructose = fruit sugar
savory = tasty
enable = empower
beckon = summon
mural = wall painting
plaid = checkered
demented = insane
extensive = wide
expulsion =ejection
lackluster =dull
veil = conceal
globular= spherical
familiarize = accustom
query = question
peril = danger
transmutation = conversion
harebrained = foolish
tut = clump
conform = comply
surrealistic = dreamlike
typeface = font
conform = comply
soluble = easily dissolved
bale = bundle
persistence = doggedness
grotesque= bizarre
shambles = mess
quick =fast
cullis = roof gutter
stonk = bombard
pauldron = shoulder armor
abulic = indecisive
kharif = South Asian winter crop
fleer = mock
calalu= salad greens
bustard = large bird
cullis =roof gutter
stonk = bombard
libers= pulic records
kulebiaka = fish pie
sprang =wheel block
strumous =scrofulous
abulic = indecisive
calalu = salad greens
launder = wash
whelp =pup
dryad= wood nymph
ovum = egg cell
defoliate = take leaves off
expediency = suitableness
prudence = discretion
cessation = stop
intemperate = unrestrained
feral = wild
etymon = word root
somnambulate = sleepwalk
racy= indecently suggestive
voluptuous = sensual
jell = congeal
rectify = correct
shirk = avoid
ordnance = artillery
mojo = charm
finish = end
bunny = rabbit
heat = warmth
mojo= charm
sweep = brush
proper = appropriate
chilly = cool
choke = strange
doubt = uncertainty
ordinarily = normally
dishonor = shame
convert = transform
astonishing = extraordinary
baggy = loose-fitting
beloved = dear
supply = furnish
incident = event
narrate = tell
belly = abdomen
ban = forbid
supply = furnish
swad = bunch
pratincole = shore bird
ligule = strap-shaped object
hebetude = stupidity
lansquenet = card game
pratincole = shore bird
causerie = chat
hebetude = stupidity
lansquenet = card game
pituita = mucus
siphuncle = mollusk's air tube
spiegeleisen = pig iron
lapsus = slipup
sith = since
spiegeleisen = pig iron
graal = a dish, bowl
brickle = brittle
carminative = reducing flatulence
sika = small Japansese deer
sith = since
kestrel =small falcon
brickle = brittle
sika = small Japanese deer
stroud = coarse woolen cloth
kestrel = small falcon
moider = work hard
lagan = sea wreckage
stroud = coarse woolen cloth
moider = work hard
cuddy = galley
ora = edge , margin
kitenge = African sarong
cuddy =galley
ora = edge, margin
pian = tropical infection
hamartia = tragic flaw
kibe = heel ulcer
pian = tropical infection
chatoyant = iridescent
allargando = decreasing tempo
harmartia = tragic flaw
saccadic = twitchy
katabatic = downward moving
saccadic =twitchy
longspur= brown bird
kaabatic =downward moving
costrel = flask
lobola = bride price
nard = aromatic ointment
longspur = brown bird
foofaraw = big to-do
costrel = flask
splanchnic = visceral
nard = aromatic ointment
amylum = starch
longspur= brown bird
foofaraw = big to-do
exegetical = explanatory
exoteric =suitable for the public
foofaraw = big to-do
peplos = Greek female garment
exgetical = explanatory
recusant = noncomformist
peplos = Greek female garment
prehension = seizing
exegetical = explanatory
recusant =nonconformist
davit = crane
stentor = loud-voiced person
voluble = talkative
peplos = Greek female garment
bucolic = pastoral
cincture = girdle
prehension = seizing
extemporize = improvise
antipodal = opposite
maladroit =clumsy
exegetical = explanatory
davit =crane
voluble = talkative
reposeful = relaxing
bucolic =pastoral
discernment = insight
spectral = ghostly
albeit = even though
concisely = briefly
abscission = cutting off
effrontery = impudence
arduous = difficult
abridge= condense
cincture = girdle
rapt = engrossed
ligature =binding
prehension = seizing
davit = crane
stentor= loud-voiced person
voluble = talkative
minstrel = medieval singer
indelicacy =rudeness
albeit = even though
concisely = briefly
abscission = cutting off
ploy = stratagem
effrontery = impudence
shanty = hut
mutton = sheep meat
optimum = best
cincture = girdle
imperial = royal
dupe = fool
brisk = lively
swelter = broil
rapt = engrossed
ligature = binding
prehension = seizing
ragtag = scruffy
replica = copy
elongate = lengthen
defiant = rebellious
extemporize = improvise
bunker = dugout
obstacle = impediment
endorse = support
byway = side road
exegetical =explanatory
relevant = pertinent
inanimate = lifeless
stentor = loud-voiced person
minstrel = medieval singer
indelicary = rudeness
albeit = even though
scrub = scour
theorem = proposition
haggle = bargain
numb= insensible
concisely = briefly
minuscule = tiny
effrontery = impudence
optimum = best
cincture = girdle
rapt = engrossed
somber = gloomy
credible = believable
thunderous = deafening
ligature = binding
elongate = lengthen
negation = denial
aviary = bird sanctuary
exegetical = explanatory
inanimate = lifeless
abrupt = sudden
itinerary = travel route
flay = strip the skin off
granger = farmer
monocle = eyeglass
lackey = servant
redundant = superfluous
ensnare= trap
collier = goal miner
gaff = hooked fishing spear
exalt = glorify
ambiance = atmosphere
hindmost = rear
lame =criped
paddy = rice field
absolution =forgiveness
granger =farmer
monocle = eyeglass
disposition =temperament
complimentary = free
ambiance = atmosphere
information = knowledge
result = outcome
quick = fast
mash = crush
rhythm = musical beat
division = separation
jewel = gem
mazimum = greatest
seem = appear
lively = active
halt = stop
horror = dread
sorrowful = sad
pupil= student
cluster = bunch
hazy = misty
residence = home
generate = produce
swap = exchange
encounter = meet
precise = exact
rivalry = competition
swap = exchange
blossom = flower
charitable = benevolent
wacky =zany
basis = foundation
trendy = fashionable
abdomen= belly
wretch = miserable person
twine = string
worsen= deteriorate
mystical = mysterious
frenzied = frantic
resentment = bitterness
variable = changeable
priority = precedence
undergo = experience
despise =scorn
sarcastic = derisive
tattered = ragged
silt =sediment
hygienic =sanitary
adorable = endearing
excavation = digging
sarcastic= derisive
hygienic = sanitary
utmost = greatest
detain = hold in custody
ingenuity = cleverness
cling = adhere
glum = sullen
enable = empower
vengeance = retribution
beckon = summon
fructose = fruit sugar
savory = tasty
enable = empower
beckon = summon
mural = wall painting
plaid = checkered
demented = insane
extensive = wide
expulsion =ejection
lackluster =dull
veil = conceal
globular= spherical
familiarize = accustom
query = question
peril = danger
transmutation = conversion
harebrained = foolish
tut = clump
conform = comply
surrealistic = dreamlike
typeface = font
conform = comply
soluble = easily dissolved
bale = bundle
persistence = doggedness
grotesque= bizarre
shambles = mess
quick =fast
cullis = roof gutter
stonk = bombard
pauldron = shoulder armor
abulic = indecisive
kharif = South Asian winter crop
fleer = mock
calalu= salad greens
bustard = large bird
cullis =roof gutter
stonk = bombard
libers= pulic records
kulebiaka = fish pie
sprang =wheel block
strumous =scrofulous
abulic = indecisive
calalu = salad greens
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