
เตรียมสอบ GRE สองภาษา หน้าที่ 2 ยังไม่ได้จัดหน้า

abstract 摘要 tract intractable 倔强的 倔强系列词汇:headstrong 固执的 stubborn 固 执的(助记)是他笨 persistent 固执的 obstinate 固执的
(persistence of energy 能量守恒) abysmal 极深的 abyss 深渊 (助记)啊,必死
联想—冥界三河 lethe 忘川河 styx 阴河 acheon 悲伤之河 academic 学院的
accede 同意 cede- 走 (同音 seed 种子)precede 领先 recede 退潮,后退 (反)demur 反对 re- recess 凹槽 alcove 佛刊,神刊 niche 凹处
recessive 隐性基因←→dominant 显性基因
cession 割让 recession 萧条 accessible 易达到的
accessory 附属的,次要的
acclaim 欢呼,称赞 claim 声称 exclaim 尖叫
acclimate 使服水土 climate 气候,水土
accolade 推崇 (助记)可累了别赞美我 col- 脖子 collar 领口 accomplice 同谋者,帮凶 plic- 重叠 = ply-重叠
模仿系列词汇: duplicate imitate simulate implicate 牵连 implicit 含蓄的←→explicit 外露的 complicated 复杂的 locale 案发点点 

abstract 摘要tract 拉intractable 倔強的倔強系列詞彙:headstrong 固執的stubborn 固執的(助記)是他笨persistent 固執的obstinate 固執的
(persistence of energy 能量守恆) abysmal 極深的abyss 深淵(助記)啊,必死
聯想—冥界三河lethe 忘川河styx 陰河acheon 悲傷之河academic 學院的
accede 同意cede- 走(同音seed 種子)precede 領先recede 退潮,後退(反)demur 反對re- 回recess 凹槽alcove 佛刊,神刊niche 凹處
recessive 隱性基因←→dominant 顯性基因
cession 割讓recession 蕭條accessible 易達到的
accessory 附屬的,次要的
acclaim 歡呼,稱讚 claim 聲稱 exclaim 尖叫
acclimate 使服水土 climate 氣候,水土
accolade 推崇(助記)可累了別讚美我col- 脖子collar 領口accomplice 同謀者,幫兇plic- 重疊= ply-重疊
模仿系列詞彙: duplicate imitate simulate implicate 牽連implicit 含蓄的←→explicit 外露的complicated 複雜的locale 案發點點

Abstract zhāiyào tract lā intractable juéjiàng de juéjiàng xìliè cíhuì:Headstrong gùzhí de stubborn gùzhí de (zhù jì) shì tā bèn persistent gùzhí de obstinate gùzhí de
(Persistence of energy néngliàng shǒuhéng) abysmal jí shēn de abyss shēnyuān (zhù jì) a, bìsǐ
Liánxiǎng—míngjiè sānhé lethe wàng chuān hé styx yīn hé acheon bēishāng zhī hé academic xuéyuàn de
Accede tóngyì cede- zǒu (tóngyīn seed zhǒngzǐ)precede lǐngxiān recede tuìcháo, hòutuì (fǎn)demur fǎnduì re- huí recess āo cáo alcove fú kān, shén kān niche āo chù
Recessive yǐn xìng jīyīn ←→dominant xiǎn xìng jīyīn
Cession gēràng recession xiāotiáo accessible yì dádào de
Accessory fùshǔ de, cì yào de
Acclaim huānhū, chēngzàn claim shēngchēng exclaim jiān jiào
Acclimate shǐ fú shuǐtǔ climate qìhòu, shuǐtǔ
Accolade tuīchóng (zhù jì) kě lèile bié zànměi wǒ col- bózi collar lǐngkǒu accomplice tóngmóu zhě, bāngxiōng plic- chóngdié = ply-chóngdié
Mófǎng xìliè cíhuì: Duplicate imitate simulate implicate qiānlián implicit hánxù de ←→explicit wàilù de complicated fùzá de locale àn fā diǎn diǎn


เตรียมสอบ GRE สองภาษา หน้าที่ 1 ยังไม่ได้จัดหน้า

Word list

abandon ban 禁令 a- 无   [禁令 a- 無] ---------------------------ละทิ้ง

Abandon ban jìnlìng a- wú

abash abash sb 使害羞,使尴尬 使害羞,使尷尬

Abandon ban jìnlìng a- wú

abate 减少 bate 减少 rebate 打折

Abate jiǎnshǎo bate jiǎnshǎo rebate dǎzhé

abbreviate 缩短  縮短  ตัวย่อ  indicate 提示 abnormal 异常 ab- 离开 ob- 离开 abdicate 放弃

indicate 提示abnormal 異常ab- 離開ob- 離開abdicate 放棄

  Abbreviate suōduǎn  Indicate tíshì abnormal yìcháng ab- líkāi ob- líkāi abdicate fàngqì

abet 教唆 bet 赌博   abet 教唆 bet 賭博 Abet jiàosuō bet dǔbó

abeyance 终止

abhor 憎恨

abeyance 終止

abhor 憎恨

Abeyance zhōngzhǐ

Abhor zēnghèn

abide 忍受,遵守 (助记)离开爱的要忍耐,不爱你的要等待
bide 居住,等待 bide for sb

abide 忍受,遵守(助記)離開愛的要忍耐,不愛你的要等待
bide 居住,等待 bide for sb

abide 忍受,遵守 (助记)离开爱的要忍耐,不爱你的要等待

bide 居住,等待 bide for sb

可怜的 ject- 表示扔 联想:inject 注射 subject 遭受、屈服 subjectto

de- 表示向下 deject 沮丧 dejected adj. conjecture 占卜(助记—共同扔出去来推测 )
pro- 表示向前 project 投射(本义) ,项目 projection 投射技术 projectile 投射物 abjure 发誓放弃 <反>espouse 支持 联想—jury 陪审团 perjury (助记—陪审团每个人
都相信我的话) 伪证
ablution 净礼,沐浴 dilute 稀释 lut
abnegate 否认, 放弃 negative 消极的 neg-表否定 negotiate 谈判 (助记: 不要提吃饭,
abolish 废止,废除 polish 抛光(复习:applepolish sb ) abominate 痛恨 omin=men 凶兆(助记—不吉祥的女人)
aboveboard 光明正大的 (反)surreptitious 秘密的 rep- reptile 爬行动物 creep 匍匐 abrade 磨损 ab- 离开= ob- 离开 stant- rade 摩擦 scrape 摩擦
abreast 并排的
abridge 删减 a- 无,没有 (助记)桥没有了,缩减了
abrogate 废止 ab- 离开 -rog 表示问(绕着哥哥问) 联想—grog 烈酒 groggy 颠簸的
interrogate 审问 derogate 贬低 surrogate 替代品, 代理人 arrogant 傲 慢的
reticent 沉默的 be reticent of sth 对某事沉默不语 

abide 忍受,遵守(助記)離開愛的要忍耐,不愛你的要等待
bide 居住,等待 bide for sb
abject 可憐的ject- 表示扔聯想:inject 注射subject 遭受、屈服subjectto
de- 表示向下deject 沮喪dejected adj. conje​​cture 占卜(助記—共同扔出去來推測 )
pro- 表示向前project 投射(本義) ,項目projection 投射技術projectile 投射物abjure 發誓放棄<反>espouse 支持聯想—jury 陪審團perjury (助記—陪審團每個人
都相信我的話) 偽證
ablution 淨禮,沐浴 dilute 稀釋 lut 洗
abnegate 否認, 放棄negative 消極的neg-表否定negotiate 談判(助記: 不要提吃飯,
abolish 廢止,廢除polish 拋光(複習:applepolish sb ) abominate 痛恨omin=men 凶兆(助記—不吉祥的女人)
aboveboard 光明正大的(反)surreptitious 秘密的rep- 爬reptile 爬行動物creep 匍匐abrade 磨損ab- 離開= ob- 離開stant- 站rade 摩擦scrape 摩擦
abreast 並排的
abridge 刪減a- 無,沒有(助記)橋沒有了,縮減了
abrogate 廢止ab- 離開-rog 表示問(繞著哥哥問) 聯想—grog 烈酒groggy 顛簸的
interrogate 審問derogate 貶低surrogate 替代品, 代理人arrogant 傲慢的
reticent 沉默的be reticent of sth 對某事沉默不語

Abide rěnshòu, zūnshǒu (zhù jì) líkāi ài de yāo rěnnài, bù ài nǐ de yāo děngdài
Bide jūzhù, děngdài bide for sb
Abject kělián de ject- biǎoshì rēng liánxiǎng:Inject zhùshè subject zāoshòu, qūfú subjectto
De- biǎoshì xiàng xià deject jǔsàng dejected adj. Conje​​cture zhānbǔ (zhù jì—gòngtóng rēng chūqù lái tuīcè)
Pro- biǎoshì xiàng qián project tóushè (běnyì), xiàngmù projection tóushè jìshù projectile tóushè wù abjure fāshì fàngqì espouse zhīchí liánxiǎng—jury péishěn tuán perjury (zhù jì—péishěn tuán měi gèrén
Dōu xiāngxìn wǒ dehuà) wèizhèng
Ablution jìng lǐ, mùyù dilute xīshì lut xǐ
Abnegate fǒurèn, fàngqì negative xiāojí de neg-biǎo fǒudìng negotiate tánpàn (zhù jì: Bùyào tí chīfàn,
Wǒmen zài tánpàn)
Abolish fèizhǐ, fèichú polish pāoguāng (fùxí:Applepolish sb) abominate tònghèn omin=men xiōngzhào (zhù jì—bù jíxiáng de nǚrén)
Yuán yīn jiān xiàng hù zhuǎnhuàn cíyì bù biàn
Aboveboard guāngmíngzhèngdà de (fǎn)surreptitious mìmì de rep- pá reptile páxíng dòngwù creep púfú abrade mósǔn ab- líkāi = ob- líkāi stant- zhàn rade mócā scrape mócā
Abreast bìngpái de
Abridge shān jiǎn a- wú, méiyǒu (zhù jì) qiáo méiyǒule, suōjiǎnle
Abrogate fèizhǐ ab- líkāi-rog biǎoshì wèn (ràozhe gēgē wèn) liánxiǎng—grog liè jiǔ groggy diānbǒ de
Interrogate shěnwèn derogate biǎndī surrogate tìdài pǐn, dàilǐ rén arrogant àomàn de
Reticent chénmò de be reticent of sth duì mǒu shì chénmò bù yǔ

absolve 赦免 ab-离开 solve 解决 dis- 1.分开 dissolution 分解
2.否定 disclose 揭发 absorb 吸收 sorb 吸收 absorbed 注意力集中的
abstain 放弃 -tain 拿 (助记)他姓手中拿着
abs- 离开 sustain 支持 sustained 经久不衰的
detain 拘留
abstemious 节俭的,节省的 tem 酒 (助记)只喝酒就很节俭
distribution 分发
uncertain 不确定的
moderate 有节制的(助记)模式速度要适度 temperate 合适的,适度的

 absolve 赦免ab-離開solve 解決dis- 1.分開dissolution 分解
2.否定disclose 揭發absorb 吸收sorb 吸收absorbed 注意力集中的
abstain 放棄-tain 拿(助記)他姓手中拿著
abs- 離開sustain 支持sustained 經久不衰的
detain 拘留
abstemious 節儉的,節省的tem 酒(助記)只喝酒就很節儉
distribution 分發
uncertain 不確定的
moderate 有節制的(助記)模式速度要適度temperate 合適的,適度的

Absolve shèmiǎn ab-líkāi solve jiějué dis- 1. Fēnkāi dissolution fēnjiě
2. Fǒudìng disclose jiēfā absorb xīshōu sorb xīshōu absorbed zhùyì lì jízhōng de
Abstain fàngqì-tain ná (zhù jì) tā xìng shǒuzhōng názhe
Abs- líkāi sustain zhīchí sustained jīngjiǔ bù shuāi de
Detain jūliú
Abstemious jiéjiǎn de, jiéshěng de tem jiǔ (zhù jì) zhǐ hējiǔ jiù hěn jiéjiǎn
Distribution fēnfā
Uncertain bù quèdìng de
Moderate yǒu jiézhì de (zhù jì) móshì sùdù yào shìdù temperate héshì de, shìdù de




1. marketing n.

行銷 (xing2 xiao1) การตลาด

例: The general manager would like to increase the budget for marketing in the next quarter.


2. overweight adj.

過重的 (guo4 zhong4 de5) น้ำหนักเกิน

例: Adults make up about two-thirds of all overweight or obese Americans.


3. obese adj.

肥胖的 (fei2 pang4 de5)อ้วน

例: Obese children are more likely to have diabetes and heart disease later in life.





1. subsidy n.

補助 (bu3 zhu4) เงินอุดหนุน

例: The federal government is offering subsidies to small business start-ups.


2. fertilizer n.

肥料 (fei2 liao4)
例: Fertilizers supply plants with nutrients to help them grow.


3. shrub n.
灌木 (guan4 mu4)

例: The shrubs in front of the window keep a lot of the light from coming in.



1. irremediable adj.

不能挽回的 (bu4 neng2 wan3 hui2 de5) รักษาไม่หาย
例: The harm caused by homicide is absolutely irremediable.


2. surgeon n.

外科醫師 (wai4 ke1 yi1 shi1) หมอผ่าตัด
例: The surgeon performed a biopsy on the patient’s left lung.


3. elasticity n.

彈性 (tan2 xing4) ความยืดหยุ่น
例: The elasticity of the robot’s movements was so great that it looked almost human.





1. nursing home n. phr.

療養院 (liao2 yang3 yuan4)

例: Unable to take care of their elderly father by themselves, they were forced to put him in a nursing home.


2. revoke v.

撤銷 (che4 xiao1) ถอน

例: The city government revoked the company’s construction permits.


3. railroad crossing n. phr.

平交道 (ping2 jiao1 dao4) ทางตัดกันระหว่างถนนกับทางรถไฟ

例: They removed the railroad crossing after several fatal accidents occurred there.





1. devastate v.

使荒蕪;毀壞 (shi3 huang1 wu2; hui3 huai4) ทำลาย

例: The city was devastated by an earthquake last year.


2. turning point n. phr.

轉捩點 (zhuan3 lie4 dian3) จุดเปลี่ยน

例: I think he has come to the turning point of his career.


3. amphibious adj.

兩棲的 (liang3 qi1 de5) สองอย่าง

例: Have you ever ridden on the amphibious bus in Kaohsiung?




A : I was just wondering if your company had finalized a hiring decision yet.

B : We will notify everyone by Friday.

A : OK. Are my chances of getting the job very good?

B : I don’t know anything about that. Just wait patiently for word from the director.

A : 我想請問面試結果出來了嗎?

B : 這禮拜五以前會陸續通知。

A : 了解。請問我被錄用的希望大嗎?

B : 我也不太清楚。你還是靜候面試主管的消息吧。



A : There’s another autumn typhoon coming.

B : Really? Are they sure?

A : A sea warning was already issued, but the next few days will be crucial in determining its course.

B : I hope it doesn’t hit us over the weekend. Everyone hates it when that happens.

A : 最近又有秋颱。

A: Zuìjìn yòu yǒu qiū tái.

B : 真的假的,已經有確定了嗎?

B: Zhēn de jiǎ de, yǐjīng yǒu quèdìngle ma?

A : 已經發佈海上警報,未來幾天是關鍵。

A: Yǐjīng fābù hǎishàng jǐngbào, wèilái jǐ tiān shì guānjiàn.

B : 希望不會又在假日來,大家都不歡迎假日來的颱風。

B: Xīwàng bù huì yòu zài jiàrì lái, dàjiā dōu bù huānyíng jiàrì lái de táifēng

A: Recently there have been autumn table.

B: if it is true, have been identified it?

A: maritime alert has been released, the next few days is crucial.

B: I hope not in the holidays come, we do not welcome the holiday to the typhoon.



1. divulge v.

洩漏 (xie4 lou4) เต็มใจเปิดเผย

例: During confession she divulged her secret sins to the priest.


2. appraisal n.

鑑價 (jian4 jia4) ประเมินค่า

例: The appraisal of the cello says that it is worth around NT$500 million.


3. deter v.

阻斷(意願) (zu3 duan4 (yi4 yuan4))

例: The potential consequences of commenting on the matter deterred him from making any remarks at all.





1. dilapidated adj.

破舊的 (po4 jiu4 de5) เสื่อมโทรม

例: The dilapidated buildings are due to be knocked down next week.


2. ruin n.

廢墟 (fei4 xu1)

例: The ruins of the old castle have been converted into a restaurant.


3. scrap n.

碎片 (sui4 pian4)

例: A man was charged with stealing scrap metal from the building site.




1. pay tribute
v. phr.
悼念 (dao4 nian4) รำลึก
例: Many people are paying tribute to Steve Jobs since he died.


2. administration
執政 (zhi2 zheng4) บริหาร
例: How many administrations did you serve under while you were in the


3. sympathy
慰問 (wei4 wen4) แสดงความเสียใจ

例: We sent our sympathies to her family on the death of her father.




1. prop n.

道具 (dao4 ju4)

例: There were barely any props on stage for the play.


2. confiscate v.
沒收 (mo4 shou1) ยึด

例: The police confiscated several fake IDs
from the students.

3. unload v.
卸貨 (xie4 huo4)เอาของลง
例: Can you help me unload the truck?



1. plunge v.
下跌 (xia4 die2) ตกลง
例: Plunging stock prices indicate investors’ loss of confidence.

2. renovation n.

翻修 (fan1 xiu1) ซ่อมแซม

例: The museum is currently undergoing renovations.


3. temporary adj.
臨時的 (lin2 shi2 de5) ชั่วคราว
例: This is just a temporary fix. Eventually you’ll have to replace the entire system.


A : Your check cannot be cashed.

B : How is that possible?

A : You’d better contact the person who wrote the check as soon as possible.

B : OK. Thanks.

A : 您的這張支票沒辦法兌換現金。

B : 怎麼會?

A : 您最好馬上跟付款人確認一下。

B : 好的,謝謝。




1. attractive adj.

有吸引力的 (you3 xi1 yin3 li4 de5) ดึงดูด

例: So many people think you’re attractive. Why don’t you become a model?


2. obligation n.

義務 (yi4 wu4)

例: You have an obligation to finish this report.


3. harass v.

騷擾 (sao1 rao3)

例: Those thugs have been harassing her all night. Can you do something about it?




1. terrify v.

使害怕 (shi3 hai4 pa4) กลัว

例: The sudden banging on the door terrified the entire family to the point where they all jumped from their seats.


2. ransom n.

贖金 (shu2 jin1) เงินค่าไถ่

例: They refused to pay the ransom, suspending the negotiation process.


3. common adj.

常見的 (chang2 jian4 de5) โดยทั่วไป/ธรรมดา

例: Is it very common for people to hug in your country?





1. arrest v.
逮捕 (dai4 bu3) จับ
例: The suspect was arrested and eventually released due to lack of sufficient


2. amateur adj.

業餘的 (ye4 yu2 de5)

例: The amateur boxing championship will be held this weekend at the local arena.


3. solicit v.
徵求;誘騙 (zheng1 qiu2; you4 pian4)

例: Jerry was caught trying to fraudulently solicit funds from elderly people.




1. sniff out

v. phr.

嗅出 (xiu4 chu1) ดม

例: The dog sniffed out the mole in the lawn.

2. inbreed
近親交配 (jin4 qin1 jiao1 pei4)

例: Is it bad for dogs to inbreed?


3. discriminate between
v. phr.

辨識;區分 (bian4 shi4; qu1 fen1)

例: I find it hard these days to discriminate between my friends and my enemies.




1. alternative adj.
另類的;替代的 (ling4 lei4 de5; ti4 dai4 de5) ทางัลือ

例: I think this may require an alternative method of appraisal.


2. console v.
安撫 (an1 fu3) ปลอบ
例: Nothing you could say could possibly console me right now.

3. spare no effort v. phr.
盡全力 (jin4 quan2 li4)
例: The police are sparing no effort in finding the little boy’s killer.



1. mural n.

壁畫 (bi4 hua4) ภาพวาดผนัง

例: Guernica is a famous mural by Picasso made after the bombing of the Basque city Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.


2. inlay n.

鑲嵌 (xiang1 qian1)

例: Inlay is a technique whereby different materials or materials of different colors are inlaid in patterns in a base object.


3. archery n.

射箭 (she4 jian4) ยิงธนู

例: Taiwan is doing well in archery, and recently placed second in the men’s team event at the London Archery Classic Olympic Test Event in London, England.




1. round up v. phr.

圍捕 (wei2 bu3)

例: The residents protesting near the presidential palace were rounded up by the police this afternoon.


2. lift v.

解除 (jie3 chu2)

例: Taiwan’s martial law was lifted in 1987.


3. emeritus adj.

榮譽的 (rong2 yu4 de5)

例: He is a professor emeritus of political science at Ohio State University.





1. upset adj.

苦惱的 (ku2 nao3 de5)

例: The old man became very upset when the little boy started to cry.


2. attitude n.

態度 (tai4 du4) ทัศนะคติ

例: It’s great that you are able to keep such a positive attitude after going through so much.

3. inappropriate adj.
不當 (bu4 dang4)
例: Michelle thought the woman’s behavior was
completely inappropriate.




1. bearded adj.

留著鬍子的 (liu2 zhe5 hu2 zi5 de5) ไว้หนวดไว้เครา

例: All of the men inside the temple were bearded and wearing long black robes.


2. commonplace adj.

司空見慣的 (si1 kong1 jian4 guan4 de5)

例: Cars are so commonplace now that hardly anyone rides horses anymore.


3. throw up v. phr.

嘔吐 (ou3 tu4)
例: Marina got food poisoning and was in the restroom throwing up all night.




1. fusion n.

融合 (rong2 he2) รวม

例: The fusion of eastern and western culture was what the artist was going for.


2. tenor n.

男高音 (nan2 gao1 yin1)

例: The tenor has a sore throat, so he will not be able to sing. We have to replace him.


3. baritone n.

男中音 (nan2 zhong1 yin1)

例: The role of Don Giovanni is sung by a baritone.




1. die-hard adj.

死忠的 (si3 zhong1 de5)

例: You’ll never get him to eat that sashimi, he’s a die-hard steak and fries man.


2. brush aside v. phr.

罔顧 (wang3 gu4)

例: The president simply brushed aside calls for him to step down.


3. counterfeit v.; adj.

仿冒(的);假冒(的) (fang3 mao4 (de5); jia3 mao4 (de5)) ของปลอม

例: It’s hard to tell whether these are genuine or counterfeit, so it’s best not to buy them.


1. bestow v.
給予 (ge2 yu3) ให้
例: The director bestowed all of the awards upon the winners of each category before toasting everyone.


2. efficiency n.

效率 (xiao4 lu4)

例: Companies use computer software to boost their business’ efficiency.

3. freebie n.

免費好康 (mian3 fei4 hao3 kang1)

例: Why are you paying? This was supposed to be a freebie.




1. mechanical adj.

機械的 (ji1 xie4 de5) เกี่ยวกับเครื่อ

例: The photocopier keeps saying there is some sort of mechanical failure. Can you call someone to fix it?


2. critical condition n. phr.

命危 (ming4 wei2) ภาวะวิกฤต

例: The driver and most of the passengers were sent to the hospital in critical condition after the crash.


3. neighbor v. ข้างๆ

在…附近 (zai4…fu4 jin4) ข้าง

例: The parking lot neighbors the playground.




1. sleazy adj. 聲色的;風化的 (sheng1 se4 de5 ; feng1 hua4 de5)

例: Some people call it the sleazy district because of all the brothels located in that part of the city.


2. athletic adj. 體育的 (ti3 yu4 de5) กีฬา

例: Mark prefers slow relaxing strolls in the park to strenuous athletic activity.


3. fitness n. 健身 (jian4 shen1) ฟิตเนต

例: I spent the evening working out at the fitness center last night.




1. illiteracy n. ไม่รู้หนังสือ

不識字 (bu4 shi4 zi4)

例: Burkina Faso has one of the highest rates of illiteracy in the world.


2. authenticate v.

鑑定 (jian4 ding4)

例: Your consulate must authenticate the documents before we can accept them.


3. moth n.

蛀蟲 (zhu4 chong2)

例: Be sure to put plenty of mothballs in your closet to keep the moths from eating up all your nice clothes.




1. macabre adj.

死亡的 (si3 wang2 de5) เกี่ยวข้องกับความตาย

例: Many of her paintings have macabre themes.


2. siren n.

性感女星 (xing4 gan3 nu3 xing1)

例: Taiwanese movie siren Shu Qi has been acting in movies for nearly two decades.


3. earnings n.

收入 (shou1 ru4)

例: If your spending continues to exceed your earnings, you’ll eventually have to file for bankruptcy.
