

apodosis = main clause

aiglet = shoe string cap

alvine = intestinal 

apodosis = main clause

ostiary = church doorkeeper

mammock = scrap

kainga = Maori village

remora = parasite fish

kalong = fruit bat

ostiary = church doorkeeper

frass = insect droppings

khaddar = cotton cloth

welkin = firmament

khaddar = cotton cloth

remora = parasite fish

cabotage = coastal navigation 

kalong = fruit bat

purblind = obtuse

frass = insect droppings

acetic= vinegar-like

khaddar = cotton cloth

kainga = Maori village

palaver = chatter

colliery = coal mine

abridgment = condensation

remora = parasite fish

clathrate =  lattice-like

frass = insect droppings

epigrammatic = pithy

acanthoid = thorny

restive = fidgety

epigrammatic = pithy

mountebank = charlatan

venesection = phlebotomy

blazon = coat of arms

hackneyed =trite

cygnet = young swan

repast = meal

 fallow = dormant 

allay = calm

cygnet = you

repast = meal 

exanimate =  lifeless

whet  stinulate 

fallow = dormant 

heliacal  sun-related

avaricious =  greedy

allay = calm

convalesce = recover

gyre = spiral

nonplus= perplex

navicular = boat-shaped

valance = short drapery

ingenue == naive girl

allay = calm

espy = catch sight of 

haft = handle

corpulency = obesity

facile = easy 
ingenue =  naive girl

llay = calm

supplication = pleas

espy =  catch sight of 

rubbberneck = gape

haft =  handle

titter = giggle

oscillate = swing

cone = hag

copious = plentiful

faze = daunt

raspy = grating

debrief =  interrogate

titter = giggle

copious = plentiful

raspy = grating 

debrief = interrogate

auricular =  hearing-related


rebuke =  chide 

tawny =  yellowish-brown

auricular =  hearing-related

repudiate = reject

proverbial =  well-known

tawny = yellowish-brown

renal = kidney-related

hypothetical conjectural

freedom = liberty

atmosphere= surrounding air


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Although he usually felt comfortable speaking in front of audiences, this particular group was so large and intimidating that he suddenly found himself too timid to discuss the topic before them.

After spending hours stranded in the desert with an inadequate water supply, it was not surprising that even their first few sips from a dirty garden hose had a tonic effect.

The Morgan Library in New York provides a sumptuous environment in which scholars work amidst costly tapestries, paintings, stained-glass windows, and hand-crafted furniture.

Mohammed was filled with compunction after stealing money out of his mothers's purse.

Convinced by critics that his play was too verbose,, Johnson abbreviated the third act, making it more succinct.

The severe structural damage caused by the corrosion occurred in such an insidious manner that the ultimate destruction of the building came as a complete surprise.

There are a small number of people in third world countries who live lavishly but most people have no hope of attaining even the basic amenities of life.

The cat demonstrated her astonishing agility by leaping from the low porch step to the top of the five-root fence.

Mr. Chandler's ostentatious tastes were clearly displayed when he was made president of the company, as the promotion caused him to flaunt his new prosperity with even more vigor.

Sensory pleasures are  transitory , but the rewards fo scholarship are enduring.

Starting next week the student will matriculate into a new charter school, so he will no longer be enrolled at this current public school.

When the great actress performs on Broadway, acts in a film, or discusses the techniques of acting, her animated disposition reflects her passion for her profession.

When asked directly for his position on establishing a community center for under privileged children in the district, the politician only  equivocated.

Aware that his pending departure would be hard on everyone in the office but not wanting to shock his staff, the old executive carefully foreshadowed his resignation during the meeting.

Mark's science presentation was not only praised by his teacher, but also was popular with the test fot eh class, receiving plaudits from almost everyone.

The earth hosts a  profusion of insects--a number so large that it is easy to imagine the planet's surface as a heaving mass of tiny life.

Mohammed was filled with compunction after stealing money out of his mother's purse.

Due to  his constant unrestrained nature, he was known in his conservative town as the  libertine among them.

Although it is not comprehensive, the college's student directory is a useful tool because the supply of other resources for locating students is meager.

After standing in the Colosseum in Rome for the first time, the Italian studies professor could not stop  extolling the intricates of the strikingly  beautiful display he had just witnessed.

His wife had always been critical of his indiscriminate shopping habits , which he had to admit usually resulted in too many random purchases.

Barrel-makers still use the old technique of first immersing in water the stiff wood slats that must be curved around the metal frame in order to make them suitably pliant.


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The screws on the kitchen chairs were loose.

It would be great if I paid more Spanish class.

You're getting your feet wet.

When does the city council meet?

I live on Main street.

Is that your book?

Because they're afraid of the dog, they won't come.

Regardless of the consequences, we should do it.

Give it us girls.

Unless it's too small, we will keep it.

There were two of them.

That is not ours.

We used to go there.

It is a secret among the three of us.

Whose car is that ?

You drive a thousand miles west to get to the West.

The women's department is over there.

I am going to lie down on the couch.

I lay in bed this morning.

Neither of the girls has arrived.

It doesn't faze me.

The show, which was on after dinner, was great.

(This is a complete sentence.)

The colors complement the mood.

The principal reason was that the principal had high principles

I am busy; otherwise I would go with you.

I heard about his winning the award.

He said, " They said, 'Okay.'"

Get your coat. It's time to go.

"Help!" he yelled.

" I am late, " he said. "Let's go."

The Smiths and we left this morning.

Neither of the girls has arrived.

The reason I am late is that the bus broke down.

It is based on one criterion.

Of the two brothers, he is the larger.

I would not be averse to that .

He fell but was all right.

My pronunciation of the words is not good.

I am loath to go through that again.

Did you hear about my breaking my toe?

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altiloquence = pomposity

moria = mental dullness

minstrel = medieval singer

indelicacy = rudeness

scrub = scour

effrontery = impudence

rhatany =toothpaste bush

mulloway = type of fish

thunderous = deafening

argute = perceptive, shrewd

altiloquence = pomposity

moria = mental dullness

ratel = badger-like animal

lappet = fold

sherwani =knee-length coat

jook =poke

stoush =fight

rhatany = toothpaste bush

mulloway = type of fish

lappet = fold

jook = poke

labefy = weaken

stoush = fight

suntrap = sunny terrace

rhatany =  toothpaste bush

labefy = weaken

birr=  whirring sound

larghetto = slow tempo

camlet = camel hair fabric

squiffed = intoxicated

stilet = fine wire

suntrap = sunny terrace

tippet = stole

birr = whirring sound

camlet = camel hair fabric

frambesia =  tropical disease

stilet =  fine wire

satang = thai money unit

korfball = game like basketball

tippet = stole

camlet = camel hair fabric

stilet = fine wire

shiplap = overlapping boards

tippet = stole

vilipend = belittle

orphrey =  embroidered edging

sarmentose = with stems that root

sfumato = with hazy outlines

orphrey = embroidered edging

sarmentose = with stems that root

flaneur = aimless loafer

impetrate = get by request

sfumato = with hazy outines

sarmentose = with stems that root

flaneur = aimless loafer

axenic = germ-free

gigot = leg of lamb

ostler = stable boy

leveret = young hare

costa = rib bone

bosky = woody

atavistic = primitive

diaphysis = bone shaft

ostler = stable boy

leveret = young hare

trave = crossbeam

divest = strip

innervate = energize

atavistic = primitive

dhole == wild dog

corsair = pirate

trave = crossbeam

divest = strip

atavistic = primitive

dhole =  wild dog

hardtack = biscuit

clement = mild

corsair = pirate

atavistic = primitive

hardtack = biscuit

clement = mild

silage = fodder

bluestocking=  scholarly woman

commissary = food store

corsair = pirate

hardtack = biscuit

silage = fodder

perquisite = fringe benefit

bluestocking = scholarly woman

aggregation = collection

adulate = admire excessively

coffer= strongbox

vermiform = worm-shaped

primacy =preeminence

din=  clamor

vanguard = forefront

expeditious = quick

commissary = food store

hardtack =  biscuit

regatta = boat race

comely = good-looking

adulate = admire excessively

coadjutor = assistant

coffer = strongbox

thoroughfare = passage

vermiform = worm-shaped

primacy = preeminence

vanguard = forefront

commissary = food store

vista = view

hardtack=  biscuit

regatta = boat race

pontificate = speak pompously

chide = scold

exemplify = illustrate

transmute = change

coffer =strongbox

thoroughfare = passage

earnest =sincere

primacy = preeminence

hardtack = biscuit

jargon = lingo

waive = relinquish

abode = home

profess = affirm

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skite  =  boast

rheology = flow of matter

luxate =  dislocate

flyte = scold 

boeotian =  ignorant

anaphylactic = hypersensitive

rheology  flow of matter

nodus =  complication

luxate =  dislocate

 flyte= scold

stentor = loud-voiced person

polony = mixed meat susage

pretermit= disregard

frenulum =  fold of tissue

acciaccatura = discordant note 

boeotian = ignorant 

fulgurant = = dazzling

fuscous = brown

calumet =  peace pipe

buckboard= open buggy

 peremptory = dictatorial

 nodus = complication

kalimba = African music instrument

cancrine = crab-like

ludo = chacma

chacma = baboon

occlusion = closure

heterodox = unconventional

rathskeller = tavern

luxate = dislocate

polony = mixed meat sausage

acciaccatura = discordant note

providential = fortunate

fulgurant = dazzling

madrigal = polyphonic song

ca;i,et = peace pipe

buckboard =  open buggy

nodus = complication

carabao = water buffalo

etymon = word root

cancrine =  crab-like

chacma =  baboon

consummation = fruition

privy =  outhouse

disinterment = digging up

occlusion = closure

hireling =  mercenary

heterodox =  unconventional

duffer =  bungler

tryst =  rendezvous

rathskeller = tavern

venule =  tiny vein

acciaccatura = discordant note

octant = navigational instrument

providential = fortunate 

fulgurant =  dazzling

whelp =  pup

quag = bog

dryad = wood nymph

expediency = suitableness

intemperate = unrestrained

rancor = bitterness

fuscous = brown

nodus = complication

etymon = word root

legion = multitue

dissertation =  thesis

equine = horse-like

= African music instrument

privy = outhouse

brood = sulk

palpability = tangibleness

myopic = nearsighted

launder = wash

whelp =pup

dryad= wood nymph

ovum = egg cell

defoliate =  take leaves off

expediency =  suitableness

prudence =  discretion

cessation = stop

intemperate = unrestrained

feral = wild

etymon = word root

somnambulate = sleepwalk

racy= indecently suggestive

voluptuous = sensual

jell  = congeal

rectify = correct

shirk = avoid

ordnance = artillery

mojo =  charm

finish = end

bunny =  rabbit

heat = warmth

mojo= charm

sweep = brush

proper = appropriate

chilly = cool

choke =  strange

doubt = uncertainty

ordinarily =  normally

dishonor = shame

convert = transform

astonishing = extraordinary

baggy = loose-fitting

beloved = dear

supply = furnish

incident = event

narrate = tell

belly =  abdomen

ban = forbid

supply = furnish

swad = bunch

pratincole = shore bird

ligule = strap-shaped object

hebetude = stupidity

lansquenet = card game

pratincole = shore bird

causerie =  chat

hebetude =  stupidity

lansquenet = card game

pituita =  mucus

siphuncle = mollusk's air tube

spiegeleisen = pig iron

lapsus = slipup

sith = since

spiegeleisen = pig iron

graal = a dish, bowl

brickle = brittle

carminative =  reducing flatulence

sika = small Japansese deer

sith = since

kestrel =small falcon

brickle = brittle

sika = small Japanese deer

stroud = coarse woolen cloth

kestrel = small falcon

moider = work hard

lagan =  sea wreckage

stroud = coarse woolen cloth

moider = work hard

cuddy =  galley

ora = edge , margin

kitenge = African sarong

cuddy =galley

ora = edge, margin

pian =  tropical infection

hamartia = tragic flaw

 kibe = heel ulcer

pian = tropical infection

chatoyant = iridescent

allargando = decreasing tempo

harmartia = tragic flaw

saccadic = twitchy

katabatic = downward moving

saccadic =twitchy

longspur= brown bird

kaabatic =downward moving

costrel = flask

lobola = bride price

nard = aromatic ointment

longspur = brown bird

foofaraw = big to-do

costrel = flask

splanchnic =  visceral

nard = aromatic ointment

amylum = starch

longspur= brown bird

foofaraw = big to-do

exegetical = explanatory

exoteric =suitable for the public

foofaraw = big to-do

peplos = Greek female garment

exgetical = explanatory

recusant = noncomformist

peplos = Greek female garment

prehension = seizing

exegetical = explanatory

recusant =nonconformist

davit = crane

stentor = loud-voiced person

voluble = talkative

peplos = Greek female garment

bucolic = pastoral

cincture = girdle

prehension = seizing

extemporize = improvise

antipodal = opposite

maladroit =clumsy

exegetical = explanatory

davit =crane

voluble = talkative

reposeful = relaxing

bucolic =pastoral

discernment = insight

spectral = ghostly

albeit = even though

concisely = briefly

abscission = cutting off

effrontery = impudence

arduous =  difficult

abridge= condense

cincture = girdle

rapt = engrossed

ligature =binding

prehension = seizing

davit = crane

stentor= loud-voiced person

 voluble = talkative

minstrel = medieval singer

indelicacy =rudeness

albeit = even though

concisely = briefly

abscission = cutting off

ploy = stratagem

effrontery = impudence

shanty = hut

mutton = sheep meat

optimum = best

cincture = girdle

imperial = royal

dupe = fool

brisk = lively

swelter = broil

rapt = engrossed

ligature = binding

prehension = seizing

ragtag = scruffy

replica = copy

elongate = lengthen

defiant = rebellious

extemporize = improvise

bunker = dugout

obstacle = impediment

endorse = support

byway = side road

exegetical =explanatory

relevant = pertinent

inanimate = lifeless

stentor = loud-voiced person

minstrel = medieval singer

indelicary = rudeness

albeit = even though

scrub =  scour

theorem = proposition

haggle = bargain

numb= insensible

concisely = briefly

minuscule = tiny

effrontery = impudence

optimum = best

cincture = girdle

rapt = engrossed

somber = gloomy

credible = believable

thunderous =  deafening

ligature = binding

elongate = lengthen

negation = denial

aviary = bird sanctuary

exegetical = explanatory

inanimate =  lifeless

abrupt = sudden

itinerary = travel route

flay = strip the skin off

granger = farmer

monocle = eyeglass

lackey = servant

redundant = superfluous

ensnare= trap


collier = goal miner

gaff = hooked fishing spear

exalt = glorify

ambiance = atmosphere

hindmost = rear

lame =criped

paddy = rice field

absolution =forgiveness

granger =farmer

monocle = eyeglass

disposition =temperament

complimentary =  free

ambiance = atmosphere

information = knowledge

result =  outcome

quick = fast

mash =  crush

rhythm =  musical beat

division = separation

jewel = gem

mazimum =  greatest

seem = appear

lively =  active

halt =  stop

horror = dread

sorrowful = sad

pupil= student

cluster =  bunch

hazy =  misty

residence = home

generate =  produce

swap = exchange

encounter = meet

precise = exact

rivalry = competition

swap = exchange

blossom = flower

 charitable = benevolent

wacky =zany

basis = foundation

trendy = fashionable

abdomen= belly

wretch = miserable person

twine = string

worsen= deteriorate

mystical = mysterious

frenzied = frantic

resentment = bitterness

variable = changeable

priority = precedence

undergo = experience

despise =scorn

sarcastic = derisive

tattered =  ragged

silt =sediment

hygienic =sanitary

adorable = endearing

excavation = digging

sarcastic= derisive

hygienic = sanitary

utmost = greatest

detain = hold in custody

ingenuity = cleverness

cling = adhere

glum =  sullen

enable = empower

vengeance =  retribution

beckon = summon

fructose = fruit sugar

savory = tasty

enable = empower

beckon = summon

mural = wall painting

plaid = checkered

demented = insane

extensive = wide

expulsion =ejection

lackluster =dull

veil = conceal

globular= spherical

familiarize = accustom

query = question

peril = danger

transmutation = conversion

harebrained = foolish

tut = clump

conform = comply

surrealistic = dreamlike

typeface = font

conform = comply

soluble = easily dissolved

bale = bundle

persistence = doggedness

grotesque=  bizarre

shambles = mess

quick =fast

cullis = roof gutter

stonk = bombard

pauldron = shoulder armor

abulic = indecisive

kharif = South Asian winter crop

fleer = mock

calalu= salad greens

bustard = large bird

cullis =roof gutter

stonk = bombard

libers= pulic records

kulebiaka = fish pie

sprang =wheel block

strumous =scrofulous

abulic = indecisive

calalu = salad greens


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refutation = disproof

lummox = oaf

bullock = ox

 autocrat = despot


gynandromorph =hermaphrodite

modicum= small amount

affable =  friendly

lummox = oaf

arduous = difficult

planar = two-dimensional

pallid = wan

opus =creative work

incise = carve

arduous =  difficult

epee =  fencing sword

planar = two-dimensional

defalcator =  embezzler

opus = creative work

amenable = willing

savant =knowledgeable scholar

gaga = crazy

roguery = mischievousness

incise = carve

singsong = monotonously rhythmical

billow = surge

epee = fencing sword

derivation = source

savant = knowledgeable scholar

juxtapose =  put side by side

purview= scope

singsong =monotonously rhythmical

pronghorn =antelope

calamitous = disastrous


jimmy = pry

billow = surge

derivation =  source

purview = scope

trivet = three-legged stand

reverie= daydream

 accolade = honor

coup = takeover

malady = illness

tetanus = lockjaw

reverie = daydream

dissipate =scatter

vex= irritate

accolade = honor

miscue = slip-up

tetanus = lockjaw

procure = obtain

sporadic= intermittent

inefficacious = useless

instancy = urgency

frivolous = trivial

axiom =  self-evident truth

winsome = charming

ascertain = determine

obtuse = dull-witted

prospectus = plan

lettered = learned

dappled = spotted

stringent =severe

lettered = learned

assertion = statement

singly = individually

oscillate = swing

attach = connect

chilly = cool

 chart = map

mash =  crush

theory = hypothesis

injure = hurt

loyal = faithful

expedite = hasten

depilatory = hair-remover

elucidate = clarify

impel == urge

churlish =  rude

wheedle = sweet-talk

cursory = superficial

anarchic= lawless

drawn = haggard

impel =urge

churlish = rude

whelp = pup

anarchic = lawless

drawn = haggard

hedonic = pleasure-seeking

churlish = rude

ductile = pliable

affront = insult

palatable =savory

intercede = mediate

implicit =understood

pachyderm = elephant

vernacular = language

panoptic= visually all-inclusive


lucent =bright

hokum = nonsense

baleen= whalebone

implicit = understood

legion= multitude

pachyderm = elephant

unerringly = accurately

auxiliary = additional

stately = grand

vernacular = language

panoptic= visually all-inclusive

pax= peace

conceit = vanity

florescence = blossoming

hokum= nonsense

legion = multitude

pachyderm = elephant

conceit= vanity

goad = spur

shiitake = mushroom

hokum= nonsense

apparition = ghost

consecrate = sanctify

bluster = swagger

exultation = jubilance

volition = free will

bluste = swagger

hypothetical = conjectural

volition = free will

putrescence =rottenness

oviparous = egg-laying

inauspicious = unfavorable

reprisal = retaliation

percolate =filter

inauspicious = unfavorable

complacent = self-satisfied

static = unchanging

larcenist = burglar

inauspicious = unfavorable

jaunty  = lively

= obstruct

 epoch = era

jaunty = lively

 stymie = obstruct

furrow = groove

auxiliary =  additional

adamant =  unyielding

emulate = imitate

earthy =  crude

cuneiform = wedge-shaped

rumbustious = boisterous

balmy = mild

peruse = examine

rumbustious = boisterous

expeditious = quick

interland = boondocks

axiom = self-evident truth

margarine = oleo

virulence = poisonousness

amenable = willing

hobnob = socialize

squalor = filthiness

commandeer  = hijack

tuffet =  footstool

perchance = possibly

commandeer= hijack

tuffet = footstool

emendation = correction

propagate = spread

obdurate = stubborn


propagation = spreading

borzoi =  Russian wolfhound

obdurate = stubborn

pyrosis =  heartburn

despotism = tyranny

dote =indulge

immotile =  unable to move

protuberant = bulging

pyrosis = heartburn

ardor =  zeal

inflorescence = flowering

vanguard = forefront

consternation =  dismay

bouffant = puffy

prophylactic =  preventive

quittance =  release from debt

vanguard = forefront

avarice = greed

consternation = dismay

amble  = stroll

schism = split

bouffant = puffy

prophylactic = preventive

amble = stroll

autogenous = self-generated

dubiety = unceainty

stipend = payment

maharaja = prince

emendation  = correcton

pare =  trim

defunct = expired

rennin= cheese-making enzyme

noisome = offensive

perpetrate = commit

extrinsic = outside

rapturous= ecstatic

loquacious = talkative

lariat  = lasso

parsonage = = rectory

supplant = repalce

rancor  = bitterness

stabile =  unmoving

rapturous = ecstatic

vinous = wine-related

cupola = dome

portico=  colonnade

acumen=  insight

vinous = wine-related

 gossasmer =sheer

thespian= actor

cupola = dome

portico = colonnade

=gossamer = sheer

verisimilitude=appearing true

malversation = corruption

awry = off course

lucent= bright

thespian= actor

modish = fashionable

malady = illness

borscht = beet soup

verisimilitude = appearing true


spume = foam

juxtapose = put side by side

malversastion =  corruption

fracas =  brawl

awry = off course

emendation = correction

festoon = decorate with flowers

fracas = brawl

discerning = perceptive

festoon = decorate with flowers

 coiffeuse = hairdresser

iconoclast = non-conformist

balladeer = crooner

precocious = advanced

misappropriate =  embezzle

balladeer = crooner

imperious = domineering

precocious = advanced

misappropriate = embezzle

mandible  = jaw

facet =  aspect

androgyne=  hermaphrodite

trundle =  roll

deprivation = want

averse= reluctant

pip = seed

frond = large leaf

conciliatory = compromising

ossify = harden into bone

carnal = sensual

vestry = church room

fetid= stinking

encumbrance = burden

broody = pensive

levy = impose

tryst = rendezvous

broody = pensive

reposit = store


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sonny = lad

scathing =  severely critical

snoopy = prying

sullen = morose

idiom = expression

medley = mixture

conviction = belief

faux= imitation

paradoxical = self-contradictory

devoid = empty

seemly = becoming

matte = non-glossy

defamation = slander

groundbreaking = innovative

ringlet =  curl

matte = non-glossy

bamboozle = dupe

alloy =  mixture

ringlet =curl

bloodline = lineage

bobbin = spool

compulsory = obligatory

embargo = prohibition

undertake = attempt

insurgence = uprising

caricature = parody

disjunctive = separating

myopia = nearsightedness

secular = worldly

desist = cease

cerebral =  intellectual

contemptuous =  disdainful

doldrums = stagnation

homogeneous = similar

cerebral = intellectual

doldrums =stagnation

tribulation = ordeal

riffraff = rabble

grope =fumble

tribulation = ordeal

meritorious = praiseworthy

affluence =  wealth

raconteur =  storyteller

leatherback =   sea turtle

retrograde = backward

postprandial =  after dinner

pokey = slow

belfry =  bell tower

mercenary = greedy for money

pokey =slow

postprandial =  after dinner

angst = anxiety

pensive = thoughtful

daft = foolish

wangle = manipulate

pensive = thoughtful

putrefy = rot

dissuade =  deter

wangle = manipulate

hibernal = wintry

apothecary = pharmacist

pensive = thoughtful

cyan =  blue-green


hibernal = wintry

dicey = unpredictable

candid = frank

apothecary = pharmacist

swill = slop

dicey = unpredictable

omnipotence = unlimited power

thrifty = frugal

palate = roof of the mouth

charlatan = fraud

swill = slop

pandemic = widespread

charlatan = fraud

disheveled = unkempt

undertake = attempt

scorn = contempt

knotty =  complex

brouhaha =  uproar

apparition = ghost

 vaulted =  arched

judicious = wise

palpability = tangibleness

permissive = lenient

fountainhead = wellspring

palpability = tangibleness

detriment = harm

permissive = lenient

prognosis = forecast

ominous = threatening

cognition = knowledge

ominous = threatening

abode = home

dishevel = tousle

tedium = boredom

dicey = unpredictable

mimicry =imitation

rite = ceremony

knotty = complex

epistemology = theory of knowledge

dicey = unpredictable

launder = wash

foreboding = premonition

prognosis = forecast

botch = bungle

impede = hinder

launder = wash


virillity = MANLINESS

numismatics= coin collecting

latency = inactivity

jounce = jolt

cumulonimbus = thundercloud

sardonic = mocking

lacteal = milky

daft = foolish

movie= film

sickness = disease

finish = end

sweetheart = darling

dawn= sunrise

adore = love

demolish = destroy

behave = act

smooch = kiss

doze = sleep lightly

carnivorous = meat-eating

lengthen = extend

carefree = unworried

courageous = brave

rot = decay

magnify = enlarge

occur = happen

balance = equilibrium

consultant = advisor

unique =  the only one

displace = remove

eligible = qualified

understand = comprehend

soar = fly high

discrimination = prejudice

 objective = goal

quadruped = four-footed

pail = bucket

swab =  mop

ruthless = cruel

 titan =  giant

playwright = dramatist

clumsy =  awkward

 archives = records

believable = credible

 recede = withdraw

graphic =  vivid

upbeat = cheerful

 supplement = add-on

banish = exile

 multifaceted = many -sided

segregate = set apart

 immunize = vaccinate

 toupee = hairpiece

mope = pout

peeve = annoy

rotate = turn

escape = get away

 end = finish

chitchat = small talk

reply = respond

preview =  advance showing

gaze = stare

groan=  moan

demonstrate =  show

rumor = hearsay

destruction = ruin

unmask = expose

 daybreak = dawn

examine = inspect

fantasize = imagine

chase = pursue

 progessive = advancing

banquet =  feast

outer = external

splendid =  magnificent

acknowledgment =  recognition

trespass = intrude

corridor = passageway

trend = tendency

sidekick = pal

 shimmer = gleam

inflict = impose

 charisma = personal appeal

 rumple =wrinkle

 audible = loud enough to hear

inflict = impose

 revolver = pistol

flabbergast = astonish

deprive = take away

deceitful = dishonest

symmetry = balance

viper = venomous snake

 discharge = release

absurdity = ridiculousness

dignify=  honor

petite = small

brawny = muscular

distinct = well-defined

magnitude = size

flashy = gaudy

prophesy = predict

lavatory = bathroom

abandon = forsake

interrogator = questioner

incinerate =  burn

numskull = dunce

flail =  thrash

mediocre =  ordinary

 repulse = drive back

ingenious = clever

infantry = foot soldiers

attire = clothes

melodramatic =  overly theatrical

barbarous = uncivillized

Whimsical = amusingly playful

abrupt = sudden

tactless = rude

accustom = habituate

infantile = childish

fraudulence = deceitfulness

spat = quarrel

infantile = childish

 repugnant = disgusting

havoc=  devastation

dozy = sleepy

barbarity = inhumanity

emaciated =  severely undernourished

intuitive = instinctual

rebellious = insubordinate

laborious = toilsome

archetype = original model

laceration =  wound

 seething = boiling

precursor=  forerunner

disembark = go ashore

jostle = shove

absorbing = fascinating

umpteen = very many

humdrum = monotonous

pasty = pallid

umpteen = very many

perforate = pierce

electorate = voters

deliberation =  careful consideration

signify = mean

allure = entice

purge = cleanse

bazaar = market

cracksman = burglar

fallible = liable to make errors

bazaar = market

intermediary = go-between

substandard = inferior

 feign = pretend

 amulet = magic charm

naturalize = adapt

omnipotence = unlimited power

denounce =  criticize

accrue =accumulate

wares = merchandise

unvarnished = plain

prudish =priggish

unvarnished = plain

avian= birdlike

unvarnished = plain

accrue = accumulate

subcutaneous = under the skin

chalice = goblet

ambiguous = uncertain

ligua = tongue

hyperbolic = exaggerated

analogous = similar

mnemonic = memory-related

mogul = tycoon

daft = foolish

greenhorn= novice

catholicity = universality

efflorescence = blossoming

plush = luxurious

olfactory = related to smelling

efflorescence =  blossoming

neophyte = beginner

plush = luxurious

legion  multitude

efflorescence = blossoming

fervent =  zealous

legion = multitude

jetty= breakwater

palpability=  tangibleness

adjoin = border

lousy =  contemptible

dogmatic = opionated

specter = apparition

proctor =  supervisor

forlorn = miserable

lousy = contemptible

altercation = dispute

ineffectual = futile

forlorn = miserable

mace = medieval battle club

altercation = dispute

ineffectual = futile

mace = medieval battle club

boor = uncultured person

putrefaction = rotting

proverbial =  well-known

grotto =  cave

cyan =  blue-green

knoll = mound

fortitude = courage

atonement = amends

mezzanine = lowest balcony

abatement = reduction

serigraph = silk-screen print

mezzanine= lowest balcony

belligerently =  hostilely

pomp = splendor

dubious = questionable

penitence = remorse

belligerently = hostilely

pomp= splendor

admissible = allowable

repressive = inhibitory

tawny = yellowish-brown

admissible = allowable

analogous = similar

jurisprudence = law

moony = dreamy

tumbler = drinking glass

hedonistic = pleasure-seeking

woo = court

bolster= reinforce

nondescript = ordinary

spire = steeple

temperate = moderate

gluttonous =  voracious

schism  = split

mutable = changeable

hotheaded = impetuous

transitory = fleeting

incarnate = embodied

hobnob= socialize

hotheaded = impetuous

infallible = unerring

sheaf = bundle

lunate = crescent-shaped

disaffect = alienate

unsung = obscure

disputatious= argumentative

pageantry = pomp

afeard = scared

unsung = obscure

prescience = foresight

reputed = supposed

hapless =  unfortunate

unsung = obscure

prescience foresight

hapless = unfortunate

inert =  inactive

olfactory = related to smelling

dissuade = deter

wispy =  insubstantial

amenable = willing

armistice = truce

glut = oversupply

liege = sovereign

commandeer = hijack

umbilicus= navel

inference = deduction

deem= judge

liege= sovereign

pertinacity = doggedness

pipkin =  small pot

crotchety =  irritable

rampart = fortified embankment

propound = set forth

sonorous = resonant

propound = set forth

laudable = praiseworthy

fetid = stinking

rubberneck = gape

foundry = metalworks

laudable = praiseworthy

rubberneck  = gape

doleful =sad

gaga=  crazy

frond = large leaf

domicile = home

quell =subdue

megalith= stone monument

frond =  large leaf

nuance = subtlety

deciduous = leaf-shedding

tine = prong

nuance = subtlety

deciduous = leaf-shedding

desiccate = dry up

doleful = sad

humus = soil

distaste = aversion

manacle = handcuff

antiquate = make obsolete

hauteur = arrogance

manacle = handcuff

antiquate = make obsolete

hauteur =  arrogance

rectory = parsonage

copious=  plentiful

hauteur = arrogance

epigraph = quotation

rectory = parsonage

flippant= smart-alecky

rancid = rank

copious = plentiful

briny =salty

epigraph = quotation

workaday = ordinary

copious = plentiful

briny =  salty

annotate= make comments about

impassioned = emotionally excited

collusion =  secret agreement

workaday = ordinary

indelicacy = rudeness

estrangement = alienation

fission = splitting

indomitable = unconquerable

straggle = wander

pandemic = widespread

tic = twitching

indomitable = unconquerable

impede  = hinder

tic = twitching

sufferance = toleration

farce = ridiculous comedy

taxonomy = classification

barren = sterile

hydrophyte = aquatic plant

sufferance = toleration

totalitarianism =  absolutism

blasphemous = proface

rubella =  German measles

neonatal = newborn

facsimile = copy

nullity = nothingness

acquisition = gain

mercantile = commerical

annul = void

judicious = wise

denude =  strip

adverse= unfavorable

flay =  strip the skin off

apathetic = indifferent

denude = strip

armada = fleet

flay =  strip the skin off

knavish =  villainous

armada = fleet

adverse = unfavorable

carafe= wide-mouthed bottle

aesthetic = artistically beautiful

unvarnished = plain

acquisition = gain

miff=  offend

terminus = endpoint

flimflam = trick

unvarnished = plain

genteel = polite

longshoreman =  dock worker

sullen= morose

provisional = temporary

prognosis = forecast

miff = offend

lop =  cut off

genteel = polite

genteel = polite

spree = fling

larceny = theft

longshoreman = dock worker

sonny =  lad

cosmopolite =  worldly person

guerrilla =  insurgent

scathing = severely critical

snoopy = prying

evenhanded = unbiased

gist = essence

connoisseur = food or art expert

placid = calm

sonny = lad


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nondescript = ordinary

 deterrent =disincentive


 indigenous = native

discursive =rambling

tempest= storm



bloated= distended


overbearing =dictatorial



acrid =bitter

dacha =Russian country house


postprandial =after dinner



sidle =move sideways

hacienda= plantation


nefarious =wicked

commiserate =sympathize



admeasure = apportion

quagmire= bog

strapping = large

curative =remedial

incogitant = thoughtless

resplendence = glory

manic= frenzied

proficient = skillful

flounce = ruffle 

bohemain = unconventional

balmy = mild

cauterize = sear

dappled  = spotted

dive = plunge

doodle = scribble

fondness = affection

canyon =ravine

disrobe = undress

conserve= maintain without loss

prompt = punctual

linger= stay around

gutless = cowardly

invertebrate = spineless

windpipe = trachea

outskirt = border

heedful = attentive

decimate = destroy

faction = clique


miscue = slip-up

vaporous = ethereal

alcove = nook

bibliotheca = library

avow = declare

deplorable = disgraceful

gyrate = revolve 

tatty = shabby

curt= terse

burdensome = oppressive

calamitious = disastrous

frivolous = trivial

archipelago = group of islands

centesimal = hundredth

hinterland= boondocks

instancy = urgency