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refutation = disproof

lummox = oaf

bullock = ox

 autocrat = despot


gynandromorph =hermaphrodite

modicum= small amount

affable =  friendly

lummox = oaf

arduous = difficult

planar = two-dimensional

pallid = wan

opus =creative work

incise = carve

arduous =  difficult

epee =  fencing sword

planar = two-dimensional

defalcator =  embezzler

opus = creative work

amenable = willing

savant =knowledgeable scholar

gaga = crazy

roguery = mischievousness

incise = carve

singsong = monotonously rhythmical

billow = surge

epee = fencing sword

derivation = source

savant = knowledgeable scholar

juxtapose =  put side by side

purview= scope

singsong =monotonously rhythmical

pronghorn =antelope

calamitous = disastrous


jimmy = pry

billow = surge

derivation =  source

purview = scope

trivet = three-legged stand

reverie= daydream

 accolade = honor

coup = takeover

malady = illness

tetanus = lockjaw

reverie = daydream

dissipate =scatter

vex= irritate

accolade = honor

miscue = slip-up

tetanus = lockjaw

procure = obtain

sporadic= intermittent

inefficacious = useless

instancy = urgency

frivolous = trivial

axiom =  self-evident truth

winsome = charming

ascertain = determine

obtuse = dull-witted

prospectus = plan

lettered = learned

dappled = spotted

stringent =severe

lettered = learned

assertion = statement

singly = individually

oscillate = swing

attach = connect

chilly = cool

 chart = map

mash =  crush

theory = hypothesis

injure = hurt

loyal = faithful

expedite = hasten

depilatory = hair-remover

elucidate = clarify

impel == urge

churlish =  rude

wheedle = sweet-talk

cursory = superficial

anarchic= lawless

drawn = haggard

impel =urge

churlish = rude

whelp = pup

anarchic = lawless

drawn = haggard

hedonic = pleasure-seeking

churlish = rude

ductile = pliable

affront = insult

palatable =savory

intercede = mediate

implicit =understood

pachyderm = elephant

vernacular = language

panoptic= visually all-inclusive


lucent =bright

hokum = nonsense

baleen= whalebone

implicit = understood

legion= multitude

pachyderm = elephant

unerringly = accurately

auxiliary = additional

stately = grand

vernacular = language

panoptic= visually all-inclusive

pax= peace

conceit = vanity

florescence = blossoming

hokum= nonsense

legion = multitude

pachyderm = elephant

conceit= vanity

goad = spur

shiitake = mushroom

hokum= nonsense

apparition = ghost

consecrate = sanctify

bluster = swagger

exultation = jubilance

volition = free will

bluste = swagger

hypothetical = conjectural

volition = free will

putrescence =rottenness

oviparous = egg-laying

inauspicious = unfavorable

reprisal = retaliation

percolate =filter

inauspicious = unfavorable

complacent = self-satisfied

static = unchanging

larcenist = burglar

inauspicious = unfavorable

jaunty  = lively

= obstruct

 epoch = era

jaunty = lively

 stymie = obstruct

furrow = groove

auxiliary =  additional

adamant =  unyielding

emulate = imitate

earthy =  crude

cuneiform = wedge-shaped

rumbustious = boisterous

balmy = mild

peruse = examine

rumbustious = boisterous

expeditious = quick

interland = boondocks

axiom = self-evident truth

margarine = oleo

virulence = poisonousness

amenable = willing

hobnob = socialize

squalor = filthiness

commandeer  = hijack

tuffet =  footstool

perchance = possibly

commandeer= hijack

tuffet = footstool

emendation = correction

propagate = spread

obdurate = stubborn


propagation = spreading

borzoi =  Russian wolfhound

obdurate = stubborn

pyrosis =  heartburn

despotism = tyranny

dote =indulge

immotile =  unable to move

protuberant = bulging

pyrosis = heartburn

ardor =  zeal

inflorescence = flowering

vanguard = forefront

consternation =  dismay

bouffant = puffy

prophylactic =  preventive

quittance =  release from debt

vanguard = forefront

avarice = greed

consternation = dismay

amble  = stroll

schism = split

bouffant = puffy

prophylactic = preventive

amble = stroll

autogenous = self-generated

dubiety = unceainty

stipend = payment

maharaja = prince

emendation  = correcton

pare =  trim

defunct = expired

rennin= cheese-making enzyme

noisome = offensive

perpetrate = commit

extrinsic = outside

rapturous= ecstatic

loquacious = talkative

lariat  = lasso

parsonage = = rectory

supplant = repalce

rancor  = bitterness

stabile =  unmoving

rapturous = ecstatic

vinous = wine-related

cupola = dome

portico=  colonnade

acumen=  insight

vinous = wine-related

 gossasmer =sheer

thespian= actor

cupola = dome

portico = colonnade

=gossamer = sheer

verisimilitude=appearing true

malversation = corruption

awry = off course

lucent= bright

thespian= actor

modish = fashionable

malady = illness

borscht = beet soup

verisimilitude = appearing true


spume = foam

juxtapose = put side by side

malversastion =  corruption

fracas =  brawl

awry = off course

emendation = correction

festoon = decorate with flowers

fracas = brawl

discerning = perceptive

festoon = decorate with flowers

 coiffeuse = hairdresser

iconoclast = non-conformist

balladeer = crooner

precocious = advanced

misappropriate =  embezzle

balladeer = crooner

imperious = domineering

precocious = advanced

misappropriate = embezzle

mandible  = jaw

facet =  aspect

androgyne=  hermaphrodite

trundle =  roll

deprivation = want

averse= reluctant

pip = seed

frond = large leaf

conciliatory = compromising

ossify = harden into bone

carnal = sensual

vestry = church room

fetid= stinking

encumbrance = burden

broody = pensive

levy = impose

tryst = rendezvous

broody = pensive

reposit = store

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